Sele First School

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Religious Education

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At Sele First School, RE is taught in accordance with the Northumberland Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.  We believe that RE is crucial in preparing children for life in our multi- faith, multicultural society. Religious Education is not designed to convert pupils to any particular religion or religious belief but rather contributes to their personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society.  Religious Education involves pupils in exploring both the beliefs and practices of world faiths and their own responses to questions about the meaning and purpose of life.

This is an extract from the new Northumberland Agreed Syllabus for RE, which forms the basis for our Religious Education.

During their time at Sele First School, children encounter and learn about a range of different religions including Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism, and also consider the viewpoints of those who are non-religious. They are encouraged to develop respect for those who hold a worldview different to their own.

Through RE lessons, children have opportunities to:

  • Access and handle artefacts
  • Use books, photographs and videos as sources of information
  • Research and find evidence on the Internet
  • Listen to and read stories rooted in different religions
  • Visit local places of worship in order to broaden their understanding of different faiths
  • Listen to and question visitors from different faith communities invited into school

We approach each unit through an enquiry question, for example:

– What does it mean to belong?

– Is Easter a happy or sad time for Christians?

– What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?

Thinking skills and Philosophy for Children are used in order to encourage our children to pose questions, debate issues and consider their own beliefs. We aim to help children to understand that people’s lived experience of religions varies greatly and strive to challenge stereotypes through our teaching.

Follow this link to take you to the Northumberland SACRE website.

RE Policy 2024