Sele First School

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Science @ Sele

Science is a way of making sense of the world.  It provides explanations and reasons for everything that occurs in the world around us.  The work of scientists over centuries has resulted in a body of knowledge and it is this scientific knowledge that needs to be passed onto the children.  However, it is not just the acquisition of scientific knowledge that is important.  The process of scientific investigation also needs to be taught and in fact it is through the process of investigation that children learn best.  Therefore, science in the school is taught, on the whole, through experimental and investigative work. Wherever possible it should be meaningful and should relate to and extend their everyday experiences.

childrens principles.pdf


We follow the National Curriculum and Early Years Framework. Each unit and lesson is framed around a Big Question which the children use their knowledge and learning experiences to answer. Within lessons children are given opportunities to discuss their scientific experiences and thinking. They are also encouraged to ask questions which are then investigated within lessons.

Science lessons are further enriched with first hand experiences working with outside agencies and also using the vast expertise of our local community. 

Each year we hold a STEM fortnight, where each year group focuses on a specific project with Science at the heart of all designs. 

We currently hold Primary Science Quality Mark Gilt award in recognition of our Science Curriculum.