Sele First School

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English is at the heart of our work at Sele First School. English unites the skills of reading and writing; it also involves speaking and listening which are essential ‘basic skills’ and an entitlement of all children.

The teaching of English at Sele First is relevant to the whole of the National Curriculum and includes PSHE and Citizenship. We believe English skills should be taught to all children and applied to a high standard in every subject.

Our carefully planned and considered curriculum includes rich stimulus providing purposeful opportunities for writing.  It is our intent to engage all learners through systematic units of work such as Take One Picture and STEM.


Staff at Sele First School have a responsibility to:

  • Ensure children receive their full entitlement to a wide range of writing text types as specified in the National Curriculum 


  • Develop a suitable technical vocabulary to support reading across the school. 


  • Allow children to see and to develop links between their reading and their writing developing their powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness. 


  • Engage each child’s interest in books so that they are able to evaluate and justify their preferences and become critical readers. 


  • Offer children a rich stimulus, embedded purposeful opportunities to write at length.


  • Ignite an interest in the development of language, discovering the meaning of new words as they expand their vocabulary.


National Writing Day 2024

Sele First School celebrates National Writing Day with a day of writing freedom, games and adventures with letters and words.




These are the statutory programmes of study and attainment targets for English at key stages 1 to 4. They are issued by law; you must follow them unless there’s a good reason not to.

All schools maintained by the local authority in England must teach these programmes of study from September 2016.

English Programme of Study Key Stage 1 and 2

English Appendix 1 - Spelling

English Appendix 2 - Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation

We follow the statutory Early Years framework in Nursery and Reception:

EYFS Statutory Framework