At Sele First School we strive to enrich the local community through providing it with an outstanding school where the quality of teaching is high and support is provided to enthuse and engage children of all abilities.
We will provide an education for all pupils that will encourage independence and enable all children to reach their full potential, harnessing their creativity and passion for learning across all aspects of the curriculum.
As a school and staff we foster an ethos where all children regardless of gender, race or ability are appreciated; where opportunities to be creative, inquisitive and diligent are encouraged, leading to children who achieve highly and make the best progress they can so that they are fully prepared for the next stage of their education.
The document below is intended to give general information regarding the ways in which we support our pupils with special educational needs (SEND).
The content here is broad; each child is an individual and will receive unique provision and resources where necessary.
Children who we identify as having additional needs are provided with an individual plan which can cover educational, behaviour or health needs.
These plans are regularly reviewed to ensure that there is the best possible match between a child’s needs and the resources that are provided.
Other documents such as Safeguarding and Behaviour policies are available on this website. Further information can be obtained by contacting Miss Judith Elliott SENDCo and Miss Nina Blanchet Assistant SENDCo on 01434602808.
Every local authority must publish a Local Offer. The SEND Code of Practice says that the local offer should: provide clear, comprehensive accessible and up to date information about provision and how to access it… make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving disables children and those with SEN and their parents, and disabled young people and those with SEN, and service providers in its development and review (paragraph 4.2)
The Northumberland Local Offer can be found at:
Northumberland County Council Autism Service
Autism Family Drop In - Information Leaflet
Autism Family Drop In - Spring 2 2025 Dates
You can find further information and reading by clicking on the links to websites and useful documents below. to Help Promote Calm