Sele First School

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Consultation to reduce pupil admission numbers at Sele First School


Northumberland County Council recently approached us with a proposal to reduce our Pupil Admission Number (PAN) based on the birth rate data for our area.


Currently, Sele First admits up to 84 children per year group, with three individual classes of up to 28 children. The Council’s proposal would reduce our year group size from 84 to 60 children, making us a two-form entry school, with two classes of up to 30 children.


As the School’s Governing Body, we do not support the proposal and firmly believe the reduction is not in the best interests of Sele First School nor the community we serve.


We believe that making such a significant change to our school would have a damaging impact on our school ethos, culture and identity. The proposal being based solely on birth rate data feels too narrow a criterion within the more complex and dynamic school landscape found here in the Tyne Valley. It is not reflective of our community and its demands. Many families move to the area with the intention of joining our school and would therefore not be seen in the birth rate data.


Additionally, we respect the importance of parental preference when choosing a school for their child. Families in Hexham have a choice of excellent schools, each one unique in their own way. Currently 34% of families choose to come to Sele First School from outside our catchment area. Reducing our PAN would remove Sele First as an option for these families in the future.


This year’s Reception cohort has only 9 available spaces and our Nursery provision is full, showing that demand for places at our school is strong. Currently our class sizes average at 24. Although school is not completely full, this has allowed us to support the increasing needs of children, especially following the pandemic. We feel this has proved supportive for all children.


The proposals would see Sele First become worryingly over subscribed with the likelihood of numerous appeal processes, as well as very large classes. The requirement to adhere to stringent admission criteria could put future school places for your children in jeopardy.


A smaller PAN means we will receive less money to run our school. However, reducing our capacity will not reduce our ‘running costs’ as a listed building, which means a bigger proportion of our budget will be spent on essential costs which must be incurred to maintain the building. This will make balancing an already tight budget an increasing challenge.


As a school we have a long history of serving our community; we are very proud of our provision and strive to help every child reach their full potential. A reduced PAN limits our ability to do this.


The change to our PAN, if confirmed, will take effect for September 2026 admissions onwards. There will be no changes to the PAN for existing pupils.


Northumberland Council are holding a consultation on this decision. It is open from Monday 4 November 2024 to Monday 16 December 2024. We will be hosting meetings during this time to provide further information and have an opportunity for discussion. It is important that the voices of all families and other stakeholders impacted by this decision are heard.


Click here to read the Northumberland County Council Sele First School Consultation Document.

NCC Admissions - Sele First School PAN Consultation


If you have any views either in support or against the above proposals to reduce the PAN of our school, please submit them to before 16 December 2024 as your views will be considered when making recommendations for the Council’s Cabinet, who are the decision makers for the admission arrangements for Local Authority Maintained Schools.


Yours sincerely,


Rebecca McVittie                                                                 Katie O’Brien

Headteacher                                                                 Chair of Governors


And The Governing Body of Sele First School



Drop In Discussion Sessions  - Queens Hall Hexham



In response to the consultation, we are currently working on a 'Frequently Asked Questions' document to hopefully provide further clarity. 
Over the next few weeks, we will also be hosting a series of 'Drop-in ' discussion sessions. The aim of these is to provide an opportunity for you to discuss your thoughts and ideas with our governors along with posing any questions. 

The sessions will be held on:

    Monday 25th November 
    Wednesday 27th November 

  (timings and more details are included within the form)  

To gain an idea of numbers please complete this very short form, this link can be shared widely within the community.


Northumberland Schools Catchment Area Map


Click here to view the catchment area map.


Parent and Carer Feedback Form


We would be grateful if families could complete the short Parent and Carer Feedback form below to let us know the reasons you have chosen Sele First School.  Thank you.


Parent and Carer Feedback Form