Year 2
Friday 28 March 2025 Y2 Geography - Local Area Walk This week, Year 2 took their Geography lesson into the real world with an exciting fieldwork experience in Hexham. Using the mapping skills they’ve been practising in class, the children followed a route they created with Digi maps. They visited local landmarks such as the Hexham Abbey, the Queen’s Hall, the Monument and the Bandstand.
Wednesday 19 March 2025 Y2 Roald Dahl Fun Over the last two weeks, children have enjoyed listening and responding to some of Roald Dahl’s classic and ‘hilarious’ stories. Last week, children spent time exploring, planning and creating wonderful potions just like George from George’s Marvellous Medicine. This week, children reported live from Mr and Mrs Twit’s garden after ‘Four sticky boys’ became stuck to the ‘Dead Tree’. Classes created freeze frames to highlight the major event!
Thursday 6 March 2025 Y2 Adjective Hunt - George's Marvellous Medicine “Grandma is a hideous, old woman” Penelope
Thursday 20 February 2025 STEMgineers in Year 2! STEM Open Day
Thursday 13 February 2025 Baking in Y2 - STEM As part of STEM fortnight in Y2, children have been busy baking their own ‘Banana Oatie Energy Bite’.
Thursday 6 February 2025 Y2 Islamic Workshop Today Y2 welcomed the Islamic Diversity Centre into classrooms. Children shared their knowledge of Islam and learnt more about the life of a Muslim including The Five Pillars. This was a great opportunity to ask questions to our visitors!
Tuesday 4 February 2025 Children's Mental Health Week in Year 2
Wednesday 29 January 2025 Blindfolded Jellyfish - Y2 This week, in our Movement Lab sessions, Year 2 had lots of fun playing ‘Blindfolded Jellyfish’. One child (or Mr Speed!) was blindfolded and became a jellyfish with long tentacles. In teams, children had to think about how to run, jump and dodge the stinging tentacles of the jellyfish. If they managed to pass without being stung, they collected a piece of treasure to take back to their group. The group with the most treasure won!
Thursday 23 January 2025 Y2 Alien Poetry This week, in English lessons, Year 2 have been using their descriptions and images of aliens to create poetry. The children investigated different types of poems and explored different poetic features.
Thursday 16 January 2025 Y2 Art - Day and Night Linked to work in Science, children created an image of day and night using oil pastels. They looked at creating a colour gradient and texture using blending. Children were proud of the work they had created!
Friday 10 January 2025 Y2's Timeline of Life Events This week in History, Year 2 were very excited to start their new topic Pocahontas. Children discussed the importance of evidence and how this can be a strong indicator as to who the person is and what they have done in the past.
Thursday 19 December 2024 Y2 Dengineers Check out pictures from Y2’s DT day linked to our Maths topic, 3D shape.
Thursday 12 December 2024 Y2 Christmas Performance What a fantastic Nativity performance Y2!
Wednesday 4 December 2024 Y2's Queen's Hall Art Project Y2 were very excited to be invited to the Queen's Hall to take part in an art project with local artist, Cath Campbell. They cut out silhouettes from black card and used cellophane to add colour to their design. Children then hung their magic beans on the giant beanstalk that is growing across the windows of the Queen's Hall.
Tuesday 19 November 2024 Y2 Movement Lab - Problem Solving Can you guess what the rules were?
Friday 8 November 2024 Pantosaurus Day in Year 2 Children began their day designing their own pants which began the discussion of the importance of the day. Children talked about respecting each other's private parts and how to do this.
Thursday 24 October 2024 Y2 - Take One Picture Open Day What a fantastic day Year 2 had for this year's Take One Picture Open Day. Y2 used chalk to recreate the streets of London engulfed with flames. They made their own Take One Picture souvenir of something they had learnt from this half term. By the end of the busy day, all children had visited the Art Studio where they sketched, created a shadow puppet and moulded their own clay gargoyle.
Thursday 17 October 2024 Year 2's Visit to see the Arches As part of this half term's Take One Picture project, Year 2 took their Art sketchbooks on a local walk to spot and draw arch shapes in the centre of Hexham. Children were very surprised by the arch shapes they could see that they had previously missed when doing their homework menu task. Back at school, children finished off their art by adding detail using charcoal pencils.
Friday 11 October 2024 Y2's Great Fire of London Day Today Y2 children have been busy following a set of instructions to bake their own bread. Children weighed their ingredients, mixed the flour and stirred in the liquid ingredients to make dough to knead before forming their own bun. Whilst the bread was baking in the oven, children used a jar to shake cream to make their own butter. Once ready, they enjoyed both together!
Tuesday 1 October 2024 London's Burning - Poetry Y2 As part of our Great Fire of London topic, linked to this year's Take One Picture, Y2 explored the language and lyrics of the well-known song London's Burning.
Monday 16 September 2024 Muddy Science in Year 2 This week in Science, children continued to explore materials and their properties.
Year Two (Y2) is the second and final year children spend in KS1.
Children follow the Y2 programmes of study from the Primary National Curriculum published September 2014. Children secure their reading, writing and skills in maths through a number of highly motivating themes and projects such as Take One Picture and during STEM fortnight.
Children take part in a high quality phonic lesson each day for 45 minutes; we follow the Read Write Inc phonics scheme. Children across KS1 (Y1 and Y2) are organised into smaller groups for these lessons based upon their knowledge of phonics. Progress in phonics is monitored through regular assessments by class teachers and Reading leaders.
Year 2 Teachers - Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Milburn, Mrs. Horne and Miss Strachan
Y2 Routines and Procedures 2024-25
Y2 Curriculum Map - Autumn 1