Physical Education
Friday 28 March 2025 Year Three rugby stars win the Gold! On a weekend where Newcastle United will proudly show off their recent Carabao Cup victory, our Y3 Tag Rugby team made sure they weren't the only side in the North East with silverware. Taking part in the Sporting Journeys KS2 Tag Rugby festival, the young Sele team went unbeaten and finished as the competitions 'most outstanding team.'
Friday 21 March 2025 Year One Footballers Win The Cup! This afternoon, seven of our Year One children took part in a football festival at Queen Elizabeth High School, arranged by Sporting Journeys. The festival was for Year One and Two children from schools across Tynedale, with Corbridge, Beaufront and Broomhaugh joining Sele at the event.
Wednesday 19 March 2025 School Games Gymnastics This week, eight of our Year Four gymnasts took part in the School Games gymnastics competition in Haltwhistle.
Friday 14 March 2025 KS2 BEE Netball This morning, 18 of our KS2 children took part in a netball skills festival hosted by Northumberland School Games and Hexham Middle School.
Thursday 30 January 2025 Full of Beans Over the last two days, children in KS1 and KS2 have been working with John Paul from Full of Beans during PE lessons.
Friday 3 January 2025 Join our club! New to Sele First this half term are two further before school sporting activities. Thanks to Full of Beans North East, Sele will be offering Y1 and Y2 a multi-sports club on a Wednesday and a multi-sports club for Y3 and Y4 on a Friday. Both clubs will run from 8:00-8:40 and throughout the whole of the Spring Term. For further information, please read the poster below.
Wednesday 18 December 2024 Santa Dash 2024-25 Today we finally hosted our annual Santa Dash after suffering the disappointment of having it cancelled earlier in the month.
Monday 9 December 2024 Sele recognised at Sport Tynedale Awards Last night, Sele were awarded a certificate in recognition of outstanding achievement in sport, as a result of maintaining the School Games Platinum award.
Friday 6 December 2024 Tyne Green parkrun Can you help us? We are a little over a week away from our second ever parkrun takeover and we are looking for more volunteers from our school community to help us marshal the event.
Tuesday 19 November 2024 Santa Dash 2024
Thursday 7 November 2024 Sele First Park Run Takeover On Saturday 14th December, we are going to do our second TAKE OVER of the Tyne Green Parkrun.
Tuesday 8 October 2024 KS2 NSAA Cross Country Today, 23 children from KS2 braved torrential rain to take part in the Northumberland Schools Athletics Association Cross Country County Championships at Temple Park, South Shields.
Wednesday 18 September 2024 Year 4 PE Year 4 will be participating in tennis, lacrosse, rugby and cricket this term. The whole school focus is on 'team work'. In their first lessons, Year 4 have demonstrated excellent communication and we were delighted to see children actively encouraging their peers.
Friday 5 July 2024 Year Three Bike Ride At the beginning of the week, Year Three dodged the showers to take part in our annual bike ride to Warden. Following the National Cycle Route that runs alongside Tyne Green, the children cycled past Tynedale Golf Course before making their way along the track to Warden.
Wednesday 26 June 2024 QuadKids County Finals On Monday, 10 children from Year Four represented Tynedale (and Sele) at the Northumberland School Games QuadKids Athletics Finals. The children selected were the top scoring 10 children from the qualifying round that all of Year Four attended at HMS earlier in the month.
Monday 17 June 2024 School Games Tennis Today, 16 children from Key Stage Two went to Tynedale Tennis Club to take part in the School Games Tennis Competition. Sele entered a team from Year Four and a team from Year Three, taking part against two other local schools.
Tuesday 21 May 2024 Year 4 Athletics On Friday, Year Four ventured up to Hexham Middle School for a morning of athletics. 65 of our children took part in the School Games competition called 'Quadkids', facilitated by the fantastic Hexham Middle School leaders.
Monday 22 April 2024 A busy few weeks for PE!
Monday 8 January 2024 4LW Advance to finals! The children of 4LW returned to the exciting news that their class had qualified to the virtual finals of the School Games multi skills competition on Friday 19th January. All of KS2 took part in the qualifying events held in school before Christmas, but 4LW were judged to have finished in second place in all of Tynedale, finishing behind Bellingham Primary. They'll now go on to compete against 11 other schools from across Northumberland via a live Zoom competition. The other areas of Northumberland represented are; Ashington and Coquet, Blyth and Bedlington, Cramlington and Seaton Valley, Morpeth and Ponteland, North Northumberland and finally Tynedale. Best of luck to all involved!
Monday 8 January 2024 The PE Library Competition Thank you to everyone who took part in the PE Library banner competition. We had some absolutely amazing entries and it made judging a winner incredibly difficult. However, we've recently had the banner created by Top Signs of Hexham and we're pleased to announce that the winning design was by Elliott in Year Four. The banner will be displayed every Monday between 3:15-3:30 after school showing where the PE Library is. Please come along and borrow some of our excellent equipment totally free of charge! Return all equipment directly to the PE Library or to the blue drop box beside the front door!
Friday 8 December 2023 Santa Dash 2023 Today, all of Sele First School took on the Santa Dash fun run! It was absolutely amazing to see so many of our school community to come together for the different races and share their festive spirit. The day was filled with Santa hats, antlers, tinsel and even some grown-ups in full Santa costume! Thank you to the excellent QEHS sports leaders for facilitating the KS1 and KS2 events; and thanks to our own Year Four leaders who warmed up and ran the Reception and Nursery events. The children were all thrilled to receive their hard earned medal! Well done to all who took part!
Friday 8 December 2023 Sport Tynedale Award Winners On Thursday, Sport Tynedale hosted their annual awards evening recognising the efforts and talents of local sporting clubs and individuals. We are extremely proud to announce that we we awarded as a school for our 'outstanding contribution to sport and physical activity' and given the 'KS2 Making Active Memories' award. The award recognises the in school offer of PE and physical activity and also the extra-curricular and wider events we've taken part in, such as the Santa Dash, #Letgirlsplay football event, Park Run takeover, the events we do at Wentworth and much, much more. The award was presented to some of our KS2 Sports Leaders by Helen Robson and Edward Heslop from Active Northumberland and Sport Tynedale respectively.
Wednesday 11 October 2023 KS2 Cross Country County Championships On Tuesday, 23 children from across Key Stage 2 took part in the Northumberland Schools Athletics Association Cross Country County Championships at Temple Park, South Shields. With children from all over the North East region taking part, we knew the competition was going to be fierce. However, all children gave the challenging course their best efforts and completed the team event with steely determination. We even managed a couple of top ten finishes, which is all the more impressive given the number of children in each race averaged at around 200. Well done to those who took part and for representing the school with excellent effort and great resilience. We eagerly await the final results which should be published by the end of the week.
Wednesday 4 October 2023 Sports Leaders Training Today, our Year Four Sports Leaders have been to Haltwhistle to take part in School Games Active Training. They learned active games which they will be sharing with the rest of school over the next few weeks. Great job Sports Leaders!
Monday 2 October 2023 The PE Library returns to Sele! Today marks the return of the PE Library to Sele First School. At the top of the yard, our Year Four Sports Leaders will be ready and waiting to offer you the chance to loan some sports equipment for use at home. This is totally free of charge and will run every Monday from 3:15-3:30. Returning the equipment couldn't be easier. Simply drop it back into the large blue container by the main entrance when you would like to return it - we suggest around a week makes for a good loan! Our Leaders will catalogue the equipment and get it ready for future use! If you have any questions, come and ask us at the PE Library!
Thursday 28 September 2023 Year 2 Netball Club Today was the first after school session of Year 2 Netball with Kathie Keady of Hexham Junior Netball Club. The children enjoyed learning movement games with lots of netball twists to them. They also spent some time honing their throwing and catching skills. They look forward to next weeks session!
Wednesday 20 September 2023 Competition Time - The PE Library To mark the return of our popular PE Library, we are giving one lucky winner the chance to have a logo that they have created transformed onto a large flag banner, becoming the symbol for the school's PE Library. The flag will be displayed for the school community every Monday between 3:15-3:30 where our Year 4 Sports Leaders will offer you the chance to loan PE equipment for use at home.
At Sele First School we recognise the vital contribution of Physical Education to a child’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development as well as the role it can play in a child’s spiritual, moral and cultural development.
We aim to provide a broad and balanced PE curriculum to develop children’s increasing self-confidence in their ability to manage themselves and their bodies within a variety of individual, team, co-operative and competitive situations. Through a balance of individual, paired and group activities, we aim to cater for the different strengths, needs and preferences of each child, using adaptive teaching where appropriate.
We believe that through the variety of opportunities that our broad PE curriculum offers, children will have a strong opportunity to develop competence in a range of physical activities. As well as this, children can develop a sense of personal achievement, fair play, teamwork and an understanding of the ways in which physical activity contributes to a healthy lifestyle and provide opportunities to overcome social and cultural boundaries.
We plan a range of activities and events that provide children with a broad base of knowledge, skills and understanding, which they can develop and refine during their time at Sele First School. We encourage children to develop their creative and expressive abilities, through improvisation and problem solving. The importance of a healthy body and mind is embedded within the PE curriculum. Children are taught to appreciate the importance of a healthy and fit body and begin to understand factors that affect health and fitness.
In line with the Government PE and Sport Premium Funding, where possible, the school provides opportunities for children to work with PE specialists. The funding will also; increase the whole school’s physical activity; raise the profile of PE as a tool for whole school improvement; increase the confidence and skills of staff in teaching PE and Sport; broaden the curriculum on offer to the children; and increase participation in competitive sport.
Children will be afforded the opportunity to take part in competitive sport, both in school and between different schools through the School Games; our strong links with local sports clubs and coaches; local and regional competitions and hosting our own events.
Children in Y4 also take part in a weekly swimming lesson at the local sports centre, Wentworth Leisure Centre. They have progressive lessons in ten week blocks that build upon skills in water confidence, competence and water safety.
At Sele First, we understand the vital role physical activity plays in children’s mental health and wellbeing.
For further information, please see our attached PE Policy.
Friday 28 March 2025 Year Three rugby stars win the Gold! On a weekend where Newcastle United will proudly show off their recent Carabao Cup victory, our Y3 Tag Rugby team made sure they weren't the only side in the North East with silverware. Taking part in the Sporting Journeys KS2 Tag Rugby festival, the young Sele team went unbeaten and finished as the competitions 'most outstanding team.'
Friday 21 March 2025 Year One Footballers Win The Cup! This afternoon, seven of our Year One children took part in a football festival at Queen Elizabeth High School, arranged by Sporting Journeys. The festival was for Year One and Two children from schools across Tynedale, with Corbridge, Beaufront and Broomhaugh joining Sele at the event.
Wednesday 19 March 2025 School Games Gymnastics This week, eight of our Year Four gymnasts took part in the School Games gymnastics competition in Haltwhistle.
Friday 14 March 2025 KS2 BEE Netball This morning, 18 of our KS2 children took part in a netball skills festival hosted by Northumberland School Games and Hexham Middle School.
Thursday 30 January 2025 Full of Beans Over the last two days, children in KS1 and KS2 have been working with John Paul from Full of Beans during PE lessons.
Friday 3 January 2025 Join our club! New to Sele First this half term are two further before school sporting activities. Thanks to Full of Beans North East, Sele will be offering Y1 and Y2 a multi-sports club on a Wednesday and a multi-sports club for Y3 and Y4 on a Friday. Both clubs will run from 8:00-8:40 and throughout the whole of the Spring Term. For further information, please read the poster below.
Wednesday 18 December 2024 Santa Dash 2024-25 Today we finally hosted our annual Santa Dash after suffering the disappointment of having it cancelled earlier in the month.
Monday 9 December 2024 Sele recognised at Sport Tynedale Awards Last night, Sele were awarded a certificate in recognition of outstanding achievement in sport, as a result of maintaining the School Games Platinum award.
Friday 6 December 2024 Tyne Green parkrun Can you help us? We are a little over a week away from our second ever parkrun takeover and we are looking for more volunteers from our school community to help us marshal the event.
Tuesday 19 November 2024 Santa Dash 2024
Thursday 7 November 2024 Sele First Park Run Takeover On Saturday 14th December, we are going to do our second TAKE OVER of the Tyne Green Parkrun.
Tuesday 8 October 2024 KS2 NSAA Cross Country Today, 23 children from KS2 braved torrential rain to take part in the Northumberland Schools Athletics Association Cross Country County Championships at Temple Park, South Shields.
Wednesday 18 September 2024 Year 4 PE Year 4 will be participating in tennis, lacrosse, rugby and cricket this term. The whole school focus is on 'team work'. In their first lessons, Year 4 have demonstrated excellent communication and we were delighted to see children actively encouraging their peers.
Friday 5 July 2024 Year Three Bike Ride At the beginning of the week, Year Three dodged the showers to take part in our annual bike ride to Warden. Following the National Cycle Route that runs alongside Tyne Green, the children cycled past Tynedale Golf Course before making their way along the track to Warden.
Wednesday 26 June 2024 QuadKids County Finals On Monday, 10 children from Year Four represented Tynedale (and Sele) at the Northumberland School Games QuadKids Athletics Finals. The children selected were the top scoring 10 children from the qualifying round that all of Year Four attended at HMS earlier in the month.
Monday 17 June 2024 School Games Tennis Today, 16 children from Key Stage Two went to Tynedale Tennis Club to take part in the School Games Tennis Competition. Sele entered a team from Year Four and a team from Year Three, taking part against two other local schools.
Tuesday 21 May 2024 Year 4 Athletics On Friday, Year Four ventured up to Hexham Middle School for a morning of athletics. 65 of our children took part in the School Games competition called 'Quadkids', facilitated by the fantastic Hexham Middle School leaders.
Monday 22 April 2024 A busy few weeks for PE!
Monday 8 January 2024 4LW Advance to finals! The children of 4LW returned to the exciting news that their class had qualified to the virtual finals of the School Games multi skills competition on Friday 19th January. All of KS2 took part in the qualifying events held in school before Christmas, but 4LW were judged to have finished in second place in all of Tynedale, finishing behind Bellingham Primary. They'll now go on to compete against 11 other schools from across Northumberland via a live Zoom competition. The other areas of Northumberland represented are; Ashington and Coquet, Blyth and Bedlington, Cramlington and Seaton Valley, Morpeth and Ponteland, North Northumberland and finally Tynedale. Best of luck to all involved!
Monday 8 January 2024 The PE Library Competition Thank you to everyone who took part in the PE Library banner competition. We had some absolutely amazing entries and it made judging a winner incredibly difficult. However, we've recently had the banner created by Top Signs of Hexham and we're pleased to announce that the winning design was by Elliott in Year Four. The banner will be displayed every Monday between 3:15-3:30 after school showing where the PE Library is. Please come along and borrow some of our excellent equipment totally free of charge! Return all equipment directly to the PE Library or to the blue drop box beside the front door!
Friday 8 December 2023 Santa Dash 2023 Today, all of Sele First School took on the Santa Dash fun run! It was absolutely amazing to see so many of our school community to come together for the different races and share their festive spirit. The day was filled with Santa hats, antlers, tinsel and even some grown-ups in full Santa costume! Thank you to the excellent QEHS sports leaders for facilitating the KS1 and KS2 events; and thanks to our own Year Four leaders who warmed up and ran the Reception and Nursery events. The children were all thrilled to receive their hard earned medal! Well done to all who took part!
Friday 8 December 2023 Sport Tynedale Award Winners On Thursday, Sport Tynedale hosted their annual awards evening recognising the efforts and talents of local sporting clubs and individuals. We are extremely proud to announce that we we awarded as a school for our 'outstanding contribution to sport and physical activity' and given the 'KS2 Making Active Memories' award. The award recognises the in school offer of PE and physical activity and also the extra-curricular and wider events we've taken part in, such as the Santa Dash, #Letgirlsplay football event, Park Run takeover, the events we do at Wentworth and much, much more. The award was presented to some of our KS2 Sports Leaders by Helen Robson and Edward Heslop from Active Northumberland and Sport Tynedale respectively.
Wednesday 11 October 2023 KS2 Cross Country County Championships On Tuesday, 23 children from across Key Stage 2 took part in the Northumberland Schools Athletics Association Cross Country County Championships at Temple Park, South Shields. With children from all over the North East region taking part, we knew the competition was going to be fierce. However, all children gave the challenging course their best efforts and completed the team event with steely determination. We even managed a couple of top ten finishes, which is all the more impressive given the number of children in each race averaged at around 200. Well done to those who took part and for representing the school with excellent effort and great resilience. We eagerly await the final results which should be published by the end of the week.
Wednesday 4 October 2023 Sports Leaders Training Today, our Year Four Sports Leaders have been to Haltwhistle to take part in School Games Active Training. They learned active games which they will be sharing with the rest of school over the next few weeks. Great job Sports Leaders!
Monday 2 October 2023 The PE Library returns to Sele! Today marks the return of the PE Library to Sele First School. At the top of the yard, our Year Four Sports Leaders will be ready and waiting to offer you the chance to loan some sports equipment for use at home. This is totally free of charge and will run every Monday from 3:15-3:30. Returning the equipment couldn't be easier. Simply drop it back into the large blue container by the main entrance when you would like to return it - we suggest around a week makes for a good loan! Our Leaders will catalogue the equipment and get it ready for future use! If you have any questions, come and ask us at the PE Library!
Thursday 28 September 2023 Year 2 Netball Club Today was the first after school session of Year 2 Netball with Kathie Keady of Hexham Junior Netball Club. The children enjoyed learning movement games with lots of netball twists to them. They also spent some time honing their throwing and catching skills. They look forward to next weeks session!
Wednesday 20 September 2023 Competition Time - The PE Library To mark the return of our popular PE Library, we are giving one lucky winner the chance to have a logo that they have created transformed onto a large flag banner, becoming the symbol for the school's PE Library. The flag will be displayed for the school community every Monday between 3:15-3:30 where our Year 4 Sports Leaders will offer you the chance to loan PE equipment for use at home.
PE and Sports Premium Funding Documents
Sports Premium PE Action Plan and Spending 2023-2024