Sele First School

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Year 2 - Mental Health Awareness Week

To kick start Mental Health Awareness week, children in Year 2 have been discussing their feelings. We started by talking about what they do when they’re happy and how to make someone else feel happy. 

“I like to go for a walk with my dog and get some fresh air.” Miss Reidy 

“Reading books make me feel happy.” Eva 

“I like to tell jokes which hopefully make people laugh.” Zach 

Children discussed the positive ways of keeping their mind healthy by drawing their favourite ways of getting active and moving their body. 

Children reflected on their likes and dislikes focusing on the positives in their lives and wrote poetry to demonstrate this. 

What I like about dogs is their warm soft fur. 

What I love about Summer is it’s fabulous floral flowers. 

What I love about ponies is their fast bouncy trot. 

What I like about Winter is it’s cold soft snow.